7 research outputs found

    The regulation of digital platforms: the case of pagoPA

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    How can EU regulation affect innovation. Digital revolution: How big data have changed the world and the legal landscape. The regulation of digital platforms in Europe. Digital revolution: How distributed ledger technologies are changing the world and the legal landscape. Regulation of digital payments: the case of pagopa

    Age, schooling, biological sex, and cognitive reserve as predictors of attentional ability and working memory on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (8.1) in a neurologically healthy Italian sample.

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    reservedStandardizzazione italiana del Montreal Cognitive Assessment (8.1) in un campione di partecipanti neurologicamente indenne, suddiviso per fasce d'etĂ  e per sesso biologico (dai 20 anni ai 90+). Il progetto di ricerca ha l'obiettivo di rilevare l'influenza che le variabili etĂ , scolaritĂ , sesso biologico e riserva cognitiva hanno sulla prestazione dei partecipanti, in particolare, sulle loro capacitĂ  di attenzione e di memoria di lavoro.Italian standardization of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (8.1) in a sample of neurologically unaffected participants, divided by age group and biological sex (20 years to 90+). The research project aims to detect the influence that the variables age, schooling, biological sex and cognitive reserve have on participants' performance, in particular, on their attention and working memory abilities

    Dalla funzione sociale della proprietĂ  alla nozione di bene comune

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    The subject of the paper is the analysis of the concept of property as declined in its social function profile. The structure follows the shapes of Hegelian dialectic. The thesis is the revolutionary and Napoleonic vision of property: the liberal doctrine which dislikes any restraint to the private property – sovereignty belongs to the State, property to the Citizen (Portalis). The antithesis is represented by the functionalist (Comte and Duguit) and corporative (fascist codification) doctrines: the citizen become an official of the community according to the first; less radical the second: property right is subordinated (more than functional) to collective interests. Synthesis could be proposed by the new light given by Italian Constitution: a publica utilitas exists with which people must always relate for the enjoyment of their property and the exploitation of their wealth. From these considerations, the author reaches a perspective on the on-going debate about the common goods: goods which allow, regardless of the private or public ownership, to satisfy general interests

    Reconstructive social innovation cycles in women-led initiatives in rural areas

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    Abstract Social innovations can tackle various challenges related to gender equity in rural areas, especially when such innovations are initiated and developed by women themselves. We examine cases located in rural areas of Canada, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, and Serbia, where women are marginalized by gender roles, patriarchal values, male dominated economy and policy, and lack of opportunities for education and employment. Our objective is to analyze five case studies on how women-led social innovation processes can tackle gender equity related challenges manifested at the levels of everyday practice, institutions, and cognitive frames. The analyses are based on interviews, workshops, literature screening, and are examined via the qualitative abductive method. Results summarize challenges that rural women are facing, explore social innovation initiatives as promising solutions, and analyze their implications on gender equity in the five case studies. Based on our results we propose a new concept: reconstructive social innovation cycle. It refers to is defined as cyclical innovation processes that engage women via civil society initiatives. These initiatives reconstruct the existing state of affairs, by questioning marginalizing and discriminative practices, institutions, and cognitive frames that are often perceived as normal. The new concept helps with to assessing the implications that women-led social innovations have for gender equity

    Can social innovation make a change in European and Mediterranean marginalized areas?:social innovation impact assessment in agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and rural development

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    Abstract Social innovation (SI) impacts are long-term changes that affect different dimensions of territorial capital (i.e., economy, society, environment, governance) for the territory in which SI occurs. Yet, systematic empirical evidence and theoretically sound assessments of the impacts of SI are scarce. This paper aims to fill the gap and assess the different aspects of SI’s impacts in European and Mediterranean areas that are characterized by marginalization processes. To assess the impacts of SI in marginalized areas, we use the evaluation framework developed within the Social Innovation in Marginalized Rural Areas (SIMRA) Horizon 2020 project and apply it to nine SI initiatives related to the fields of agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and rural development. Our findings show that SI produces cross-sectoral (societal, economic, environmental, and governmental) and multi-level impacts (on individuals, community, and society), which have improved the societal well-being, and contributed to the reduction of certain forms of marginality, mainly inside the territory in which SI occurred